
Sarah Gooll Putnam参观战伤累累的美国航空母舰 在查尔斯敦海军造船厂

Sarah Gooll Putnam diary 7, pages 28-31 with entry for 19 November 1864 手稿

Sarah Gooll Putnam diary 7, pages 28-31 with entry for 19 November 1864


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    在1864年11月19日的日记中, Boston teenager Sarah Gooll Putnam describes a family outing to view the USS 在查尔斯敦海军造船厂.


    1864年11月8日,美国海军 arrived 在查尔斯敦海军造船厂 in Boston almost five months after its celebrated victory over the Confederate cruiser, CSS 阿拉巴马州6月19日在法国海岸附近. was about to decommission 和 discharge its crew while it underwent extensive repairs, 但在那之前, 13-year-old Sarah Gooll (“Sally”) Putnam 和 her family 和 friends made a visit to the ship.

    莎莉普特南’s illustrated journal entry has a light-hearted holiday flavor: a “jolly old tar” —perhaps only “old” in the eyes of a teenager 和 “jolly” because he was about to go ashore after long service afloat—gave the ladies 和 girls in the party “a jump” to get them on board 和 then led them on a tour of the ship’s machinery including its distilling apparatus that made salt water pure enough to drink. 的ir guide also showed the visitors where the “balls from the pirate 阿拉巴马州 had struck us.” Sally described 和 drew a detailed sketch of her close 和 somewhat alarming inspection of the damage caused by a large, 未爆炸的炮弹残留在里面 被击败的 鲁德尔哨所在战斗结束五个月后.


    莎莉·帕特南对破坏的描述 rudder post is a good example of how she used her illustrations to clarify what she described in her diary entries. 在与 阿拉巴马州, had been struck on the stern by a large explosive shell that failed to explode 和 lodged in the rudder post. 的 sailors deactivated the shell by pouring vinegar on the fuse 和 then sailed thous和s of miles with it embedded in the hull before they arrived in Boston Harbor 和 let 莎莉普特南 poke at it with a splinter. By then the shell hit had become, as Sally indicated, something of a Navy Yard attraction. 在后来的维修中, 受损舵柱的一部分被切了下来,--still containing the unexploded shell--put on display 在华盛顿海军纪念博物馆展出, 但是莎莉, 没有计划这样做, may have left us the most accurate contemporary depiction of the location 和 extent of the damage. 内战结束后, 拉斐尔Semmes, 南方联盟指挥官, 声称炮弹爆炸了, 它会造成"致命伤害" , 阿拉巴马州 会在胜利中航行吗.

    was recommissioned on 1 April 1865 和 sailed again for Europe where it spent the last months of the war in futile pursuit of 邦联公羊 石墙这是一幅当代绘画,描绘了一本日记 威廉·B保管. 古尔德,内战时期的黑人水手.


    Sarah Gooll Putnam (1851-1912) grew up to become a noted Boston portrait painter, from the time she began keeping an illustrated diary on Thanksgiving Day in 1860, 她九岁半的时候, 她表现出明显的艺术天赋. She continued to make entries until the time of her death in 1912, filling 27 volumes. 普特南的日记, illustrated with approximately 400 small watercolor paintings 和 hundreds more pen-和-ink drawings 和 caricatures, 记录她作为艺术家的发展历程.


    在新冠疫情导致建筑物关闭期间, the Massachusetts Historical Society mounted a virtual exhibition at the MHS website called og体育官网 这汇集了45份历史文献, 工件, 以及由MHS工作人员挑选的艺术品. 2021年12月, 协会重新向游客开放, some of the actual items that made up our virtual exhibition, with brief extracts from the video interviews with staff members from the online exhibition, 被展出过吗.

    经常, more than one MHS staff member selected the same item as a "favorite thing," but 莎莉普特南's illustrated childhood diaries were especially popular, 由三名工作人员选出. 的 passage from her diary showing her reaction to the shocking news of the assassination of President Lincoln in April 1865 is part of the virtual exhibition og体育官网 和 now is on display at the Historical Society. It differs from her more typical, often humorous, illustrations, such as the tour of , but is not the only time when war-related events intruded upon her comfortable, 波士顿上流社会的生活.


    奇迹,威廉. 在阿拉巴马州 & 基尔萨奇:水手内战. 教堂山:北卡罗来纳大学出版社,1996.

    William Marvel gives not only a detailed account of the careers of 阿拉巴马州 during their long voyages to the rendezvous off of Cherbourg, but the detailed records kept by 和 about the crews of each ship allows him to create a deep social history of ordinary sailors during the Civil War—the lives of the "jolly old tars" that 莎莉普特南 met during her tour.

    Official Records of the Union 和 Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion. 31日波动率. 华盛顿特区. C.:政府印刷局,1894-1927年.

    og体育平台双方订婚的官方报告 阿拉巴马州 都在第三卷,p. 59-82页. 647-81. 可用 从HathiTrust网站获取.

    小瓦罐,艾琳. "'Striking in its Promise': 的 Artistic Career of Sarah Gooll Putnam." 马萨诸塞州历史评论. 卷. 3 (2001), p. 89-115.

    帕特南,莎拉·古尔. 莎拉·古尔·普特南日记,1860-1912.

    A guide to the collection with links to digitized portions of it is available at: 莎拉·古尔·普特南日记,1860-1912 .

    Semmes、拉斐尔. Memoirs of Service Afloat: During the War Between the States. 巴尔的摩:凯利,皮特 & Co., 1869.

    可用 谷歌在线图书. 拉斐尔Semmes, who had written a popular account of his service in the US Navy during the Mexican War (he accompanied the Army's overl和 campaign against Mexico City) may have lost the engagement against , but he triumphed in his romantic account of the cruises of CSS萨姆特堡阿拉巴马州. Despite 莎莉普特南's contemporary evidence about Semmes’s argument that, 但是一个有缺陷的外壳保险丝, his ship would have been the victor in the engagement with 在美国,海军历史学家仍在争论他的说法.